WELCOME to SoulShine Alchemy…

a place to re-join with your true authentic Self. A place to inspire you to free yourself from all that no longer serves and bring you back to your Divinity. To your SHINE. Our sacred intention is to illuminate all that you are in your TRUTH and lead you to liberation.


As I sit down to write this section I am acutely aware of how hard it is to describe yourself! There are so many aspects that make me who I am and so many incarnations within this life that have all led me to this beautiful place that I am today.

Above all else, I am passionate about embodying LOVE. In all ways. I feel that I am on a Sacred Mission in this lifetime, to truly assist others to also Embody love and to step into their Divinity + Sovereignty. Over the past 20 years I have studied many modalities that have all assisted me in showing up as I am now with the prayer to SHINE my light as brightly as I can. 

Making vibrational medicine and tapping into my own inner Alchemist brings me more joy than I could ever put into words.

Every offering that you will come across here on this site, has been created with pure love + intention for you to find your way back to you. To your SHINE. That beautiful spark that lives within you, waiting for you to remember.

If at any time while you are browsing the site, you come across something that you would like clarity or support with, please know that I am here for you and dedicated to your path of illumination. All you have to do is reach out.  And if there is something that calls to your soul, take the leap! I promise you won’t be sorry you did.

Love, Light + Infinite Gratitude,
