Sun Ceremony

The Sun symbolizes the hope of humanity, bringing light to the darkness of our material existence, and reuniting us with the divinity of our own higher nature. ~ Belsebuub

Since the beginning of time people have gathered to celebrate the sun.  The sun is the source of all life.  It is the unifying force-the giver and destroyer of life. 

To honour the SUN, we gather at each Solstice & Equinox.  These four focal points mark the 4 seasons as the earth cycles around the sun.  And, just as these events affect the earth’s journey throughout the year; they also illuminate the stages of our own inner spiritual journey. 

According to The Path of the Spiritual Sun ‘A Solar Path an individual can undertake within themselves, leads to the path of enlightenment”

 Spring Equinox


Saturday March 20, 2021 @7pm

Feversham, ON

Please join Justine, Brittany + Kara for a powerful evening of cacao, sound and prayer ~ as we usher in the time when day & night equal.

This Equinox brings with it the promise of Spring and Rebirth.  We gather to celebrate balance; the balance of light and dark, the balance of inner world and outer world.  Come gather with us and drink ceremonial cacao and join your hearts with ours as we set intentions for the upcoming year.  Planting our seeds and celebrating equality, unity & love.

WHEN: Saturday March 20 @7pm

WHERE: Feversham, ON

COST: $44/pp

Summer Solstice

Please join us as we celebrate the Summer Solstice, the longest day and shortest night of the year! A time to celebrate the light within ourselves and within everyone.  The Summer Solstice is a doorway into the second half of the year, energizing the paths that lead within.

Join us as we gather to illuminate our intentions for this Holy Day.

What you will experience:

  • Opening meditation + activation

  • Astrological Insights

  • Summer Solstice Ritual

  • Connection to other SHINY souls

    DATE: JUNE 2021 ~ TBD

Autumn Equinox ~ Sun + Cacao Ceremony 2021

A time when day & night are equal.

Now is the time that we celebrate our harvest and all of our abundance from the past year.  Celebrate our growth and everything that we have accomplished.  We release the past and move forward with clear intention as we also begin to prepare for the upcoming winter.  Gather with us around a ceremonial fire. 

Date & Time: TBD

Winter Solstice Celebration - Cacao & Sound Bath Ceremony 

Please join us for a sacred evening as we celebrate the Birth of the Sun.  The Winter Solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year! This marks a time for reflection and the incubation of ideas and dreams. In the stillness of the Winter Solstice we take time to go within and bring awareness to our dreams and our desires for future growth.

For this year we will be offering an online version of our Ceremony. You can join us from the comfort of your own home. We will be honouring the Sun and also connecting to the powerful planetary alignment of Saturn + Jupiter ~ as their dance across the sky reveals to us the true alignment and connection to the Age of Aquarius!

We will flow through the evening with prayer, high heart activation and a sound bath.

Date & Time for 2021: TBD