SoulShine Alchemy ~ Sacred Intention

Alchemy defined, is the practice of transmuting one substance into another, or of creating one thing from the combining of other elements. Most famously, this was a quest for turning common metals into GOLD.

SoulShine Alchemy aspires to be just that. To combine all of the elements that are YOU and bring you back into the wholeness that is within; your Gold Essence.

My Sacred Mission is to remind you of who you truly are; Divinity in form. Each offering that you find within SoulShine Alchemy is to remind you of this truth that lies within. The truth that is your essence, that is LOVE. The truth that contains all parts of you.

When we begin the journey of inner alchemy or awakening we free ourselves. We illuminate all that is keeping us back; old fears and belief systems that have been instilled upon us that do not represent who we truly are.

When we bring soulful awareness to these places, we enter the true state of transformation and turn our lead into gold.

Whether you are called to a session with Kara, an Event or Workshop, or to work with the Ascension Medicine, know that my heart, soul and pure intent for you to liberate yourself and return to love is within every offering.

Follow your heart and remember, YOU WERE BORN TO SHINE.