Know Thyself - Immersive

A Journey with Sacred Plant Medicine

NEXT IMMERSIVE BEGINS- > November 10, 2024


w/ Kara Davison

Have you been curious to connect with plant medicine in a therapeutic way?

To experience the healing properties of plant medicine with total support and integration?

If so, please consider joining us for a 30 Day Micro Dose Journey - Know Thyself.

This 30 day journey is intended to reconnect you to the truth of who you are - beyond your patterns of fear, beyond your wounds or trauma, beyond your personality or operating system that is reflecting an over active nervous system.

When we work intentionally with plant medicine, we are able to see parts of ourself from different perspectives and actually re-train our mind + neural pathways to react and respond to life in a new way.

Think updating your operating system ;)

Not only healing our relationship to ourself, but healing how we relate to all of life.

This micro dose journey will be divided into 4 stages throughout 4 weeks. Each week offers a new teaching + modules to reflect upon, a group integration call, a meditation to guide you, and 1:1 sessions with Jayden & Kara. We will be learning how to examine our belief system, deconstruct patterns that are not serving and connect more to the guidance of the heart + intuition. Stepping into more of our sovereignty.

This journey is offered online - you will be able to connect no matter where you are and no matter what your schedule.

Here is what our time together will look like:

-> Each Saturday at 9am EST we will have a live call to discuss the week’s theme/module. Calls will be recorded and sent after the session along with your weekly meditation to work with.

-> 2 x 1:1 sessions with Kara - You will prebook these 2 sessions for times and days that align - the booking calendar is shared with you upon registration.

-> An in depth intake session to connect in before the journey begins - booking calendar is shared with you upon registration.

-> Thursday at 6pm EST, we will connect for our live group integration session. We will offer various techniques for alchemizing thoughts, emotions and beliefs that are at times hard to navigate. These sessions will also be recorded.

Cost for this journey is $597, with a payment plan option for 4 bi-weekly payments of $149.25

Here is what this includes:

  • a 30ml micro dose tincture {Psilocybin}

  • 2 x 1:1 sessions with Kara

  • Unlimited access to 4 recorded modules

  • Weekly group integration + support calls

  • Unlimited access to meditations

  • Know Thy Self {printed + bound} Journal

  • Telegram group for support + connection

-> FAQ’s <-

There is space for 8 people ~ To secure your space, please click the button below to set up a 15 minute call with Kara to ensure that we are a good fit for one another. No payment is made until this call is complete. If you would like to connect with me for any finer details, please click HERE

To know yourself is to heal yourself 💫

Much Love Always, Kara