Awaken To Love ~ 31 Day Immersion

Awaken To Love ~ 31 Day Immersion


You are invited to join me on this transformational 31 Day journey to Awaken To Love!

This immersion has been created with the intention to connect you to your loving heart and to support you in walking The Beauty Way ~ the way of the heart.

During our time together, we will focus on reconnecting and reactivating the higher harmonics of the Heart Chakra; and Awakening the Sacred Feminine within; connecting you to your inherent essence, and allowing it to expand and blossom into the LOVE that you are.

When we walk The Beauty Way, we live from a place of true understanding, unconditional love and forgiveness for yourselves and all others.

During this 31 Day Group Initiation we will explore the ancient teachings of The Essenes; connecting to Cosmic Christ/Sophia Consciousness ~ anchoring UNITY.

When you align with these teachings, you transform your life by letting go of all that does not match the vibration of Love. Fear drops away and worries dissipate.

When you live from the heart, you only ever have more love to offer and more love to receive.

This is a powerful journey of Self Reclamation, and I am excited to share it with you!

Finer Details:

  • Beginning Tuesday February 16, 2023

  • You will receive an Awaken to Love Initiation Package (which includes: the medicine, access to the activating meditation, a Sacred Altar Package, Prayer & Invocation Card) value of $297

  • You are invited to 4 Live 90 minute calls held on Thursdays at 7pm EST: February 16, 23 & March 2 + 9. During these calls we work deeper with the teachings and the medicine activation. Space will be given for support within the group to alchemize all that arises.

  • Private Facebook group for connection and additional support

*please note that all calls will be recorded and distributed for those that are missed.

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