Sophianic Template ~ Initiation Package

Sophianic Template ~ Initiation Package


The Initiation Package Includes

  • 21 Day Protocol for Self-Initiation

  • 30 minute 1:1 Alchemy Session with Kara

  • 30ml Sophianic Template Essence

  • 50ml Sacred Space Aura Mist

  • Prayer + Invocation Card

  • Guided Meditation to activate the Medicine

  • Sacred Altar Kit ~ contains an Organic Candle, Altar Cloth & Crystal

Sophianic Template Contains

Vibrational Gem Essences of:

  • Herkimer Diamond

  • Danburite 

  • Smoky Quartz

All suspended by Radionics with the vibration of the Metatron's Cube Sacred Geometric symbol and the Vibration of the Sophianic Template

*contains Brandy 

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