The medicine of the Rose has truly changed my life.

Looking back, I can clearly see how the Rose has been calling me to work with her for years. I have so many instances that have lined up so synchronistically for me to discover the Rose and all of her glory.

Two years ago, I finally listened to the call. And I can honestly say that my life hasn’t been the same since.

The Rose lineage + teachings are an ancient mystery school that has been hidden for centuries. The Rose symbolizes true alchemy of the heart. She allows our hearts to open to our truth, our wisdom, our sacredness and returns us to love. A love that has always been nestled within us.

In the times of the Rose teachings, women would gather in groups of 12. The Sisters of the Rose where high priestesses and dedicated their lives to anchoring the essence of the Rose onto the planet. They would gather in temples as well as travel, sharing their ministry, activating and aligning followers with Love, Beauty, Harmony + Unity.

What they were truly offering in their teachings was the unity of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within all. As one cannot flourish without the other.

Through an unfortunate turn of events, The Rose teachings and her priestesses were forced underground. As they retreated, the rise of Patriarchy began (the wounded masculine). With the rise of Patriarchy, came a world filled with fear, poverty, scarcity, competition, hatred and brutal crimes against humanity. With the loss of the Feminine, the world became out of balance, which we are all living and bearing witness to today.

However, times are shifting once again; and The ancient Rose Lineage is re-emerging with all of her teachings, wisdom and love. People all over the world are hearing the call to awaken the Feminine within and bring harmony and love back to our lives and the world we live in.

We are at an unprecedented time where we can literally re-balance the scale, and bring this beautiful Divine Feminine energy through each of us and begin to heal the planet, one heart at a time.

It is with this call to the Rose that I have been able to step fully into my true passion. I know that I am here to assist others in guiding them back to their hearts and return them to the love that lives inside. To guide women back to their SHINE and share my own light with whomever is called to work with me.

In honour of The Rose and my passion to share these beautiful teachings, I have created a 12 week online program, called RETURN TO LOVE. This is something that I have been focused on for the last 9 months and know how powerful and transformational the work is. Mostly, because I have done (and continue to do) the work myself and have experienced shifts within that have brought me so much self-love and self-acceptance and to a place where I feel truly excited about my life :)

RETURN TO LOVE begins January 2020. Each week offers modules of teachings, healings, interactive study within the group, ceremony, and full support from me.

RETURN TO LOVE is for you if:

  • You seek clarity and direction in your life

  • You are ready to focus on yourself and make your healing a priority

  • Repair relationships with yourself + others

  • Are ready to be confident in your sacred feminine self and learn to truly love your body

  • You desire to be magnetic to abundance & love

  • You want to heal your physical body

  • You are ready to rediscover your creativity

  • You desire to create a life that you LOVE

  • You are called to connect to the ancient Rose Lineage of Sisterhood

  • You are ready to discover healthy boundaries for yourself to live in harmony with your heart’s desires

  • You desire to attract more prosperity into your life

  • You feel called to become a beacon for other women + lead your own Sisterhood of the Rose Circles

There is just space for 12 sisters to join.

To learn more about this transformative 12 week journey, please follow this link. RETURN TO LOVE

If you feel that you are one of the 12 sisters meant to join this program and anchor this light at this time, please set up a time for us to connect HERE.

Thank you all for reading these words from my heart. I truly honour you all and your time.

Much love,


🌹Words Inspired and Dedicated to this beautiful ROSE SONG 🌹

Kara DavisonComment