Love is forgiving.

Love has no conditions.

Love is peace.

Love accepts all. 

Love chooses faith over fear.

I believe that throughout our lives, we are on a constant search for Love. Looking under every nook and cranny for someone to love us how we so desperately want to be loved. For someone to see us for who we truly are.

I believe that the Love we are seeking ‘out there’, lives within us, and that before we can even attempt to have a healthy and aligned relationship with any other person (romantic or otherwise), we must first come back to the place within us where Love has always existed, and always will exist.

When I say Love the one you are with ~ I am being quite literal. Who are you with 24x7? Who is the person that you spend the most time with - who sees you through every moment of your existence? YOU.

If we can’t learn to love and accept ourselves ~ FULLY ~ then how can we ever show up to any other relationship from a loving place.

Throughout our lives, our pain and hurt have led us to build walls around our hearts and our very nature. 

We have developed untruths about who we are, about who others are, and that from this place we form judgements and conditions.

We close our hearts ~ not because we want to , but because we are too afraid of being hurt again.

When we act from our pain and close ourselves off to Love, we feel alone and separate from family, friends.

Imagine a world where each of us decides to cast the pain of our past away.  Allowing our natural state of Love to come THROUGH US and to share our Love with all.  Healing our hearts and choosing to remember that the most important relationship we can ever have, is the one with ourself.

If we chose to connect to this Love that is always there for us, the ripples we would create. 

If we truly dedicated our lives to unpacking these burdens of the heart and forgive ourselves for whatever ‘trespasses’ we have done, the natural extension would be for us to also forgive those who have trespassed us. 

I believe that it is from this place that we change the world. It is by loving ourselves SO MADLY, that we can’t help but let that flow in to every other interaction and relationship that we experience.

Peace would cultivate within.  And as we cultivate peace within, we create a world that is truly filled with loving acceptance.  Just one heartfelt act at a time.  

Imagine if we all truly Loved ourselves?  

Let’s shed all that is keeping our hearts from shining with the Love we are, love the one we are with, and create a world where peace, acceptance and faith fill our homes and our hearts ♥️

Kara Davison