You Are What You Think ........

Over the last year and a half, I have been exploring methods and ways that can help us change our minds and support us in making lasting changes to how we live our lives.   What I ended up with, and believe to be a powerful resource, is working with plant medicine (as an ally) to get into those places in the mind that we try to avoid.

Paul Stamets, a world renowned mycologist, explains that when we intentionally work with psilocybin, we not only have the opportunity to examine our belief system, and thought patterns BUT we also have the chance to rewire new pathways (neurogenesis) that can lead us to establishing new lasting thought patterns that go on to support health, inner peace and wellbeing.

"Micro Dosing" seems to have become a bit of a buzzword over the last couple of years, and like anything that becomes a trend we have to use our own discernment and common sense to whether it is something that feels right for us.  

What I can tell you from my own experience, is that each time I work with plant medicine (in a micro dose setting) I learn more about myself and why I show up the way that I do in life. 

Last spring I led a group of 6 people through an immersive working with psilocybin and I have been asked to do it again.  I have created a 4 week, fully supported journey that will begin October 22.  I wanted to share it with you, in case you have been curious to try micro dosing, but nervous to do it alone.  

You can see all of the details in the link below.  Including structure, sessions, medicine, cost etc.  

If you are curious and would like to chat about it deeper, please reach out

Much Love,


Kara DavisonComment